Sushrismita Nanda

Sushrismita Nanda was a faculty in computer science by profession but had a passion of an artist. She quit her job and is walking towards fulfilling her dream. Since her childhood days She is attracted towards creative things like painting, embroidery and sewing. She is a hardworking woman. She is Ambitious and disciplined.

When did the idea for making paintings, applique work, embroidery come into your mind?
As I have mentioned I love to do creative works from my childhood. From my student days, I started making dresses for me and my sisters. There was a huge appreciation from friends and relatives which was quite encouraging and creating satisfaction in me. From those days, it was in my mind that I will showcase these things to larger audience and I was searching for some opportunities. So, from 2018 finally I decided to start a small business.

Whom do you consider your idol and why?
My mother is my idol. She is an inspiration for me. I have seen her doing handmade things like embroidery on tablecloths, photos and also knitting sweaters for us. She used to do her work in a neat and perfect way. It had a lot of impact on me to do creative works.

You have started a small business, what type of products do you make?
Mainly I focus on designing unstitched kurti materials on handloom Sambalpuri and Silk clothes. Also, I paint and do embroidery on them. In addition to this I also design on cotton, tusser, silk stoles and dupattas, cushion covers, sarees and bags.

What do you usually paint? On what themes do you make applique works, embroideries?
Mainly I do Saura, Gond, Mahbubani, free hand paintings on clothes. I do applique work on dresses inspired from Pipili Chandua designs patterns and also, I design different kind of flowers or any patterns. I like to do embroidery like chain stitch, satin stitch, Kantha stitch, fishbone stitch, French knot etc

You make satin ribbon work on clothes as well, how is it done and how much time does it take to make one complete design?
Satin ribbon looks very beautiful and easy to do. It is done using satin ribbon tied on clothes with needle and flower with leaf takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

How many hours a day do you give for all these creative works? Do you make the products alone or do you do it with a team?
Since I don’t have a dedicated team working with me, I try to manage all the work of my own. Obviously, family helps me on that. So, I give half of the day in planning, designing, shopping etc and other half I try to execute the creative works.

You are from the IT field, what motivated you to start creating creative works? How do you manage time?
When I was in Job, I was doing it at night or early in the morning. My passion and love towards handmade things motivated me to quit the job and to take a risk to start own business.

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful artist?

  • Honesty
  • Hardwork
  • Patience

Any plans to sell your creative works outside Odisha and India? Do you make customized designs?
I would definitely love to sell my work outside Odisha and India to showcase our traditional things as day by day these works are getting extinct. Newer generation is no more interested in these works.

What is your favourite Odia food, Odia song, and movie, and why?
Odia Food: -Chudaghasa and Dalma Odia Song: - “Ei Jhuma Jhuma Golapi Belare” Odia Movie: - “Amada Bata”, because, Jhanrana Das has played exilent role of a traditional Odia woman.

What's your favourite Tourist destination in Odisha? Any Travel memories?
My favourite tourist destination is Ramchandi. It is a place with full of scenic views as river Kush Bhadra flows into a Bay of Bengal. When I was a child, I travelled to Khiching (Temple of Maa khichakeswari) and travelled in truck which is the most funny and memorable travel I ever had in my life.

What are your hobbies?
Other than embroidery and sewing, gardening,cooking and reading spiritual books

Who is your favourite Odia author? Any Odia books you love to read?
Manoj Das ,”Smrutira Pradeepa”,By Manoj Das,”Katha O kahani” ,By Manoj das

Your favourite childhood game. Any childhood memories that you would like to share?
My favourite childhood games are kabaddi, bohu chori and hopscotch. My childhood days were the golden period of my life. People at that time were much more realistic and were leading a simple life style. In Bangiriposi Weekly Market (Hata) was the main attraction. Makar Sankranti is the main festival, we all depend on the Weekly market to purchase the things. We all used to be very excited before the festival. In the 3 days festival people eat traditional food, wear traditional dress and perform traditional dances and games. I can never forget those wonderful memories.

Where is your native village? Tell us something about your Village.
Though we are originally from chhatia near cuttack. But I rather consider Bangiriposi as my native place. As I am born and brought up there, it is very close to my heart. Bangiriposi is a small place in Mayurbhanj district. It is one of the district headquarters of Mayurbhanj. It is situated at the bottom of Baman ghati, surrounded by Sal Forest and river Budhabalang is flowing at one side. The place is full of natural beauty and sceneries. The people leaving here are mostly tribals who have a simple life style and pure heart.

What's your vision for Odisha in 2050?
People are happy if they lead a happy life. They lead happy life when they eat natural food. In 2050 All the natural habitats and natural resources should be well reserved. Odisha should be pollution free and it can be achieved if Electric vehicles are the main medium of transport. Odisha should be corruption free. Instead of getting attracted towards western culture, people of Odisha should give priority to our art, culture, food. Reading and writing of Odia language should be compulsory for all. If we understand well about our own culture and tradition then the growth will be high, by 2050 I expect we as a Odia have our special identity not only in India but also in entire world.

Which eminent Odia personality has inspired you and why?
Utkal mani Gopabandhu Das inspire me lot as his contribution towards Odisha is unreplaceable. His selfless service towards man kind and simple life style itself represent his personality. He was not less than a saint.

What key advice would you give to young handicraft artists of Odisha?
If you have talent and love towards your work then Lord Jaganath will definitely give the success, So young generation should not run after money and do the work in a focused way. Our Odisha is a place where there are lots of art and culture. As an Odia artist it is our responsibility to carry forward our culture. So, my advice would be to do the things from heart not to copy others.

Last Question, if you are given a chance to revisit the past, what would you like to do?
I would like to do a Fashion designing course from reputed institution.

REFERENCES:Various Sources

IMAGE REFERENCES:The photos uploaded to the website are collected from various internet sources. ODISHA Tales doesn't own any photos.Thanks to Everyone who clicked these photos.

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