Khandadhar Waterfalls

Location:Nandapani, Bonaigarh Village, Parajanga Tehsil , Sundargarh Odisha

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Khandadhar Waterfalls is a glistening waterfall generated by a continuous stream named Korapani Nala. The largest waterfall in Odisha, at 244 metres, is said to be the highest in the state. It is accessible through a fair-weather road 19 kilometres from Bonaigarh, but only on foot for the final two kilometres. The strain of the long trek, however, is quickly forgotten when one sees the breathtaking scenery provided by the waterfall. Local tribals adore Goddess Kanta, a deity worshipped nearby. 

It's a lovely spot nestled among dense jungles and mountains, perfect for nature enthusiasts. The sight created by the glistening waters that cascade down the beautiful waterfall is best appreciated from the vantage point of a mountain peak.

There is a traditional story of the Pauri Bhuiyas which tells how their mountains became so generous. Kankala Devi, a greedy deity who devoured trees, land, and everything else, once possessed the Sundergarh branch of the clan. The Pauri Bhuiya, in despair, placed her on a rock, which she ate through as well, producing a deep hole from which the Khandadhara gushed out (split-rock waterfall). So they had access to water. Then a couple from the village travelled to the eastern, or Keonjhar, end of the Khandadhar mountain range to see relatives. Even though their potential hosts were away, a pile of grains had been left outside, and, miraculously, not even the birds were consuming it.The couple discovered a little deity, Kanta Kumari, who was the protector of the region's prosperity, inside the heap. They kidnapped her and took her back to Sundergarh, claiming her bounty.

How to Reach: Rourkela is the closest train station about 105 kms from the Waterfall location. Up to Bonaigarh, there is an all-weather road, and the last few kilometres can be travelled by walking.

REFERENCES:Various Sources

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