Narasingh Deo ruled as the twelfth king of the Patna territory, and his reign saw the kingdom of Patna become a dominant power. His brother, Balaram Deo, was a prince with a strong desire for conquest, and he succeeded in defeating the Raja of Surguja and claiming the territory of Sambalpur. When Narasingh Deo's wife went into labor during a rainy night, Balaram Deo courageously swam across a hill-stream named Mayabati to fetch a nurse from the nearby village of Barapada. As a reward for this faithful service, Narasingh Deo granted Balaram Deo the north-eastern portion of his dominion. However, a dispute later arose between the two brothers over the extent of their respective territories, which was ultimately resolved by their mother. She took her sons to the bed of the Surangi river and asked the elder brother to possess the territory to the right of the river, while the younger one was given the territory to the left of it. This decision was accepted by both brothers, and the Surangi river became known as Ang, serving as the boundary line between Patna and Sambalpur territories.It appears that Narasingh Deo delegated command of the Sambalpur region to his brother Balaram Deo.

Following the passing of Narasingh Deo, the strength of Patna's territory declined, and Sambalpur, under the leadership of Balaram Deo, emerged as the dominant force among the Gadajat clusters. The capital of Patna's territory was Patnagada, but in the mid-sixteenth century, Balaram Deo moved the capital to a more central location known as Balaramgada,a fort built built by him. The name Balangir is said to have been derived from Balaramgada. Balaram Deo was the first Chauhan ruler of Sambalpur state.

REFERENCES:Various Sources Including Odisha District Gazetteers

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