The Rumal Chori game is especially enjoyable when there are a larger number of players involved. It is named after the handkerchief that is used during gameplay. The objective of the game is for all players to sit in a circle, facing inwards towards one another. This creates a space for the "thief" to move around the circle, unnoticed, as they attempt to sneak the handkerchief onto another player's back without being detected. Once the handkerchief is placed, the player with the handkerchief on their back must try to catch the "thief" before they are able to circle the entire group. If the player succeeds in catching the "thief," they become the new "thief" and the game continues.

To initiate the game, the participants choose a person to act as the "thief." The other players then form a circle, facing towards the center. The first player begins to count starting from 10, followed by the next player counting 20, and so on until the count reaches 100. If any player is counting when the count reaches 100, they are eliminated from the game and must sit out for the rest of the round.

The remaining players then start counting again, beginning from the next player in sequence and starting from 10, and the process continues until another player is "rejected" and eliminated from the game. This cycle continues until there is only one player left who becomes the new "thief," and the Rumal chori game begins.

This is an engaging game that involves players sitting in a circular arrangement facing towards the center. One player is chosen to be the thief, who stands up and holds a handkerchief in his hand. The thief runs around the back of the players, who are sitting in a circular arrangement, and puts the handkerchief behind one of the players while bending down.

If the player realizes that the thief has kept the handkerchief behind them, they pick up the handkerchief and chase after the thief in the same circular manner. The thief then tries to sit in the place of the player who is holding the handkerchief, and if they succeed, the player holding the handkerchief becomes the next thief.

However, if the player doesn't realize that the thief has put the handkerchief behind them, the thief continues to move around the circle until they reach the player with the handkerchief. At that point, the thief thumps the player's back, takes the handkerchief, and starts running around the circle again and tries to keep the handkerchief behind someone else.

The game continues in this manner, with the players taking turns being the thief and trying to keep the handkerchief behind someone else. This game can be even more fun with more players, as it adds to the excitement and unpredictability of the game.

REFERENCES:Various Sources

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